Is it in fashion to date/marry someone much older than you?
Or more commonly referred by me, as the pretty woman effect!
I know a lot of younger women, who date or marry men either ten years older and some even double their age.
Why do you think this is though? I've always thought to wine you, dine you & I'm not even going to entertain the last one! OMG HA
Believe it or not, a few are about the financial gain but most are in it for love! I know it seems unbelievable but it's true.
I also think, that there's that father figure picture in their minds, where many women marry someone that often reminds them of their father, as they feel protected & safe, due to the age maturity level.
Where men often their own age tend to be less emotionally stable & less mature than themselves.
There are obviously also negatives to being with an older man, such as him not being as vigorous as yourself, you both are at different stages in your life & family/friends connections can sometimes be hard to work around.
In my mothers experience, being thirteen years younger than my father, she thinks the whole assurance behind knowing someone will be there for you, on a higher emotional, physical & spiritual level, is what makes any woman feel loved. She does agree though, that it is difficult now, as they are both at different stages in their lives but she still loves him like crazy!
I just think, if it tickles your fancy than let your fancy be tickled.