Does fashion create a new identity?
In 2014, my partner & I set off for the most amazing holiday in Greece. I had been to the island of Mykonos before but this time it would be a different experience.
As we all know, Mykonos is known for it's parties, beach bars & out of this world craziness.
We were going to meet up with the rest of the Melbourne crew, as well as my two cousins Debbie & Lisa.
While travelling around the island though, I noticed people were trashing the island, there was no respect & even the police didn't care.
I wondered why and came to the realisation, that due to the economic situation, the Greeks had no choice but to deal with it, as tourism was bringing in the much needed $$$$
So I decided to take matters into my own hands, I was going to make it known to everyone, especially the police, that what was happening wasn't right.
My partner & cousins thought I was hilarious, the way I would argue & talk in Greek to get my point across. I was actually quite serious & even approached the locals about the issue.
To my surprise the locals, most of them being little old Greek men at coffee shops (kafeneio) believed in me & said "If you run for Mayor, we'll vote for you". I was so determined, as I wanted to make a difference.
Ever since that day, my partner & cousins named me the Mayor of Mykonos. It didn't stop there, as the island itself also wanted to let me know, in it's own weird way..
One day we all went into the T-bar store, as my partner wanted to buy a friend a personalised tee.
As we were all standing in the store waiting for the sales assistant, a bag suddenly falls from the top shelf merely missing Lisa's head, coincidentally or a GOLD moment as we say, was a hat that had also fallen with the bag, a hat that read Mayor of Mykonos!!
At that moment we all froze, Lisa looks at me and says "No way" and then everyone else says "You need to buy that hat" and obviously I did.
I think signs like this only happen because life is trying to tell us something. Be who you want to be and if a hat makes you feel unique, wear it!!